Complete College Idaho

A Plan for Growing Talent to Fuel Innovation and Economic Growth in the Gem State

The State Board has set an ambitious goal that 60% of Idahoans ages 25-34 will have a degree or certificate by 2020. Responsiveness to business needs is driving a renewed effort to develop home grown talent toward the goal of a more diverse economy.

  • Idaho must grow talent within the state to fuel innovation and economic competitiveness
  • Increased education attainment improves the quality of life for Idahoans and drives a vibrant, diverse economy
  • Idaho’s increased education attainment must be responsive to businesses that will employ the workforce of the future
  • It is imperative we commit to efficiently and effectively increase postsecondary degrees and certificates

Key Strategies

Strengthen the Pipeline – Secondary Students

  • Ensure College and Career Readiness (Common Core State Standards)
  • Develop Intentional Advising Along the K-20 Continuum that Links Education with Careers
  • Support Accelerated High School to Postsecondary and Career Pathways

Transform Remediation – Secondary/Postsecondary Students

  • Clarify and Implement College and Career Readiness Education and Assessments (Assessment & Placement)
  • Develop a Statewide Model for Transformation of Remedial Placement and Support
  • Provide three options: Co-requisite model, Emporium model, or Accelerated model (Delivery)

Structure for Success – Postsecondary Students

  • Communicate Strong, Clear, and Guaranteed Statewide Articulation and Transfer Options (Gen. Ed)

Reward Progress and Completion – Institutions

  • Establish Metrics and Accountability Tied to Institutional Mission (Performance Based Funding Initiative- PBFI)
  • Recognize and Reward Performance (PBFI)
  • Redesign the State’s Current Offerings of Financial Support for Postsecondary Students

Leverage Partnerships

  • Strengthen Collaborations Between Education and Business/Industry Partners
  • College Access Network
  • STEM Education


  • Dr. TJ Bliss, Chief Academic Officer
    Office of the State Board of Education
  • Lita Burns, Vice President for Instruction
    North Idaho College
  • Dr. Linda Clark, Board Member, CCI Committee Chair
    Idaho State Board of Education
  • Mike Keckler, Chief Communications and Legislative Officer
    Office of the State Board of Education
  • Dr. Cathleen McHugh, Chief Research Officer
    Office of the State Board of Education
  • Marilyn Whitney, Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Special Assistant for Education and Government Services
    Office of the State Board of Education
  • Laura Woodworth-Ney, Provost and Executive President
    Idaho State University